Featuring Janet Culbertson, Grainne deBuitlear, Anna Jurinich and Ty Stroudsburg
June 11th - July 10th, 2022
OPENING RECEPTION : June 11th, 4-7pm
ARTISTS TALK : July 25th, 1-3pm
On Saturday, June11th Janet Culbertson, Grainne deBuitlear, Anna Jurinich and Ty Stroudsburg will be centerstage at William Ris Gallery’s opening day reception for WOMEN ARTISTS of LONG ISLAND. The exhibit runs through July 10th.
On Saturday, June 25th the 4 artists will meet again for an artists talk, 1-3pm. Both events are open to the public.
Each artist has an interesting history influencing her work. Although now residing on Long Island their unique experiences, background and extensive travel come alive and encourage interpretation.
Jurinich is from Croatia, deBuilear from Ireland while Culbertson and Stroudsburg have years of traveling internationally while collecting inspiration for their collections. A range of mediums and styles will be represented in this group show.